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Once in a life time opportunity!

Adamsburg Self Storage

This is a CASH MACHINE! Consistently maintaining a +90% occupancy rate, this opportunity will only continue to prosper even in a sluggish economy. 

Investment Highlights

High Demand and Excellent Visibility

Adamsburg out-positions most of the competition in the market it serves. Demand in the market exceeds 80,000 square ft in a 3 mile radius and exceeds 250,000 in a 5-mile market.

Room for Expansion

Significant Management Upside

19,500 sq ft storage space

Occupancy between 85% – 95% year round

Located in an Opportunity Zone

Additional Commercial Space Available

By the numbers

Net Operating Income

$85K +

5 yr. NOI Projection

$118K +

Annual Projected Growth


Annual Income/Sq. Ft.

$6 +

Asking Price

$990,000 without commercial office space
$1,375,000 with commercial office space

Adamsburg Self Storage is located in a Qualified Opportunity Zone (QOZ) For more information on QOZ’s click this Link

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